Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Happenings Around Here...

Just in case you didn't receive the first update email I sent around to a few people, here is a good place to view it, if you happen to be interested... Consider it a prequel to my first post.
Hey all,

I have made it safely to Granada and am on my soft pink fluffy bed in my hostel. One of my roommates is South Korean, the other is French Canadian. The fourth one is French, but I haven't gotten to know her up to this point.

There is a small balcony overlooking a beautiful brick alleyway and tall,
tall, old buildings. They are so pretty. The cab ride here drove me right through the center of town. I could see the Alhambra on the mountainside, other historic statues and fountains and old, old buildings, and I literally got choked up because it was just so beautiful, I couldn't even believe it.

Also, I understand why vespas are so popular here. Even a compact car (my cab driver drove a Ford, haha. Don't know the model though, I'm unfamiliar with it) struggles to get down the narrow streets. Also, I don't know if I will ever cross the street here... but I'm sure I'll get over that.

On my flight to Madrid, I sat next to a guy (Jim) that will be in my program in Granada from UCSC. At the Madrid airport (which is huge and confusing and signs disappear... But everyone is very helpful) I saw a girl waiting to board my plane wearing a UCD shirt. I introduced myself and she (Kirsten), too, will be in my program. They are both staying in the same hostel, so I told Kirsten to keep an eye out for him, but they aren't staying in my hostel. I will see them Friday I'm sure.

My first order of business was a shower and to brush my teeth... I felt so gross after a day of travel... Now I'm getting tired, but I need to stay up so I can sleep tonight.

Anyway, I'm here, I'm safe, and I'm excited. It's beautiful here.

I'll probably take it easy tonight and explore tomorrow.


This letter covers the basics of what happened the first day. After writing this, I actually, ironically, ended up falling asleep for a few hours. But upon waking up, Minnie, my South Korean roommate, invited me out for tapas with a few of the others hanging out in the common area of the hostel. Now nearly fully recharged, I simply couldn't refuse.

Minnie and Amelie (my French-Canadian roommate) ended up being a great friend for the time they were here. For Minnie, that was Wednesday night and Thursday day. Amelie and I hung out mostly on Thursday. As I'm sure is nearly inevitable in a hostel situation, we will end up going our separate ways... I'm leaving before Amelie, but Minnie has already gone. I have new roommates from Boston and also met a very nice Australian girl and Australian guy. But they, too, will fade out of my life after tomorrow.

Such is the life I can expect from traveling, I suppose.

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