Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First week of class!

So, a brief outlining of what we're doing as of now: The first month in Spain is considered the "ILP" (Intensive Language Program). This includes 5 classes (Grammar, Oral Comprehension, Reading, History, and Literature). Classes are from 9a-2p Monday-Thursday (or as we say 9-14 lunes a jueves). Right before is breakfast (toast with butter and jam or paté or 2 other toppings that I have yet to be daring enough to try since it's so early in the morning... I usually stick with butter and jam... Also, pineapple, orange, and peach juices, milk (and coca cao, aka Spanish ovaltine) café (muy fuerte) con leche caliente, or cereal). Starting at 2, there is lunch. Then it's siesta, wake up around 5, have the day/night to spend however you like.

Lunch and dinner have an "ensalada" (it doesn't always refer to a salad, though. It's usually a soup or other type of appetizer), a main course, and a dessert (usually fresh fruit, but last night there was this ice cream/caramel liqueur thing... at least I think it was caramel liqueur, or the caramel was just cooked down in a weird/burntish way...). To drink, there is water and tea. You can buy other drinks at the vending machines if you like.

There aren't many vegetables here. They eat a lot of carbs, meats, and fruits. An iceberg salad with cucumbers and tomatoes is probably the greenest thing we've had. I don't mind too much, but my stomach does. It's quite an adjustment compared to my eating style at home with at least one deep green with lunch and dinner. I always think about my mom when we get food and think she would be miserable with the food selection here, haha. When we have our own kitchens, I'm sure it will get better.

Classes have been pretty good to me thus far, but learning in another language is thoroughly exhausting. I definitely take serious advantage of my siestas every day, as do most people. It gets to be about 96-99 degrees outside every day during siesta time, so most people don't seem to mind sleeping it off.

Pasteles (pastries/cakes) are probably my favorite things. As are 1 Euro ice creams. It's a good thing we walk a lot.

After a whole week of adjustment abroad, I'm really starting to miss some things about home, but I am still absolutely loving life. I can feel that the excitement of the last week has taken its toll on my body and I think I need another noche de descanso. Pienso que voy a hacer mi tarea, leer un poco, y dormir mucho. Especially since I get up early to have a short chat with Mr. Christopher =) and tomorrow is another day out with our Monitor (a Granada native who's showing us around/the ropes/helping us with finding apartments and phones, stuff like that).

OH and I got a Spanish phone!!! It's probably the lamest phone I have ever owned, but I think it's my favorite thing ever. Plus, it makes life feel a little more normal to have a phone. I can't do anything international on it, but it's comforting to know I have a way to contact my friends here.

I hope everyone back home is well... Please email me your addresses so I can send you postcards after I buy some!!

I love you.


  1. NATALIE!!! So good to hear from you. It's nice to know you miss some things from home, but it's also nice to know you love it so much here there and are happy. It's okay a tenar sueno. Just make sure you remember every bit of your experience there. Being tired is part of it. There are major thunderstorms today. It's kind of exciting. Okay. I have to go. Love you very much!!!!! Mom

  2. Hi, Natalie. I am starting to get the hang of this blogging stuff. I like being able to see what you are experiencing. So glad you have a camera!!! Chris texted me Tuesday night. We were at bike night, so I wasn't able to text with him very much.
    Things here are status quo. The new shop is due to open Sept 18. We have actually started ordering product. It's starting to look really nice.
    It is soooo hot and humid here. Probably very much like you are experiencing. Luckily for us it will be short lived.
    So I tried to talk to you this morning, but I saw your Skype message 5 minutes after you posted it, and I think you were gone already.
    I feel like I am posting my own blog, so I will go for now. Thanks for all the updates.
    Love you,
    Hey - try to find some greens to eat!!!
