Thursday, February 3, 2011

Echaré de menos a Granada.

Hoy, tuve un examen de mi única clase sociológica. Es la clase en que conocí mis chicas franceses. Nos caemos muy bien, pero hoy, me dí cuenta que no las conocí tan mucho como puse, y por eso, estoy triste.

Es verdad que tengo buenos amigos americanos aquí. Pero también es verdad que tengo buenos amigos europeos.

Y no sé cuando (o si) pueda verlos de nuevo.

Estoy lista para regresar a los EEUU. Pero no estoy lista para decir "Adios" a mi Granada. A mis amigos europeos. A mis americanos que se quedarán aquí por el segundo cuatrimestre.

Se ha roto mi corazón hoy cuando Claire me dijo que está triste que me voy en marzo. Porque en realidad, es muy posible que será la última vez que nos vemos. Y ella me calle bien. Ella es una de las más simpáticas que he conocido en España y no puedo creer que me voy.

Será rara regresar a mi vida californiana, mi familia, mi playa, mi San Diego, y tomar clases y apuntes en inglés, y... y... Yo no sé.

En mis últimas días aquí, sólo me siento triste.

Quiero regresar... pero no quiero salir.

Se ha roto mi corazón.


  1. So I used an online translator to decode this message, and I just had to show you how it translated:

    Today, I had an examination of my unique sociological class. It is the class in which I met my girls French. We fall very well, but today, me dí account that I did not know them as much as I put, and for that reason, I am sad. It is truth that I have good American friendly here. But also it is truth that I have good European friendly. And I do not know when (or if) it can see them again. I am ready to return to the USA. But I am not ready to say " Adios" Granada. To my European friendly. To my Americans who will remain here by the second fourth month period. My heart is had today broken when Claire said to me that it is sad that I go away in March. Because in fact, it is very possible that it will be the last time that we see ourselves. And she me good street. It is one of most likeable than I have known in Spain and I cannot think that I go away. It will be rare to return Californian life, my family, my beach, my San Diego, and to take classes and notes in English, and… and… I do not know. In my last days here, only I feel sad. I want to return… but I do not want to go out. My heart is had broken.

  2. I am thankful for Adriana's efforts to translate that, and though it wasn't a perfect English version of what you would say, at least I got the gist of it. Yes, you will be saying good-bye to so many new things and people, you will be coming home to so many who love and miss you and to such wonderful once-in-a-lifetime events!!! It seems like our world is on hold till you get back. Once you are here, the ball will start rolling and June will be here in an instant!! Plus - you will get to see Cracker-Jack, smooshy face!
