Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Spanish Workweek

So we finally had our first undisturbed week of class...

... and we now have a four-day weekend!!! =D

I'll be traveling to Madrid and Salamanca with Lauren, Kirsten, and Jim. I can't wait to tell you about it when I get back!

I wish I had something to blog about, but the week in and of itself has been pretty uneventful. Just full of classes. I decided to drop out of "Spanish Constitutional Rights." It was a very interesting class, but I just couldn't keep up with the Spanish legal lingo. I think I'll keep my remaining 5 classes, but if I do decide to drop another one, it will for sure be "Rural Sociology."

So for now, I bid you adieu, and I will be back in Granada early on Tuesday! Ciao!


  1. Hello. I am glad you had a good first week of class. Be safe in your travels. I hope your friends take some good pictures that they can share with you. Have fun.
    Love, Mom

  2. I love this, "I bid you adieu".

    Thinking of you always!

    Love, Dad
